The total number of results is 766. Page 35 from 51.


Book Review: Inna droga. Romantycy a kolej by Wojciech Tomasik

Book Review: Inna droga. Romantycy a kolej by Wojciech Tomasik

Book Review: Philology and Global English Studies. Retracings by Suman Gupta

Book Review: Philology and Global English Studies. Retracings by Suman Gupta

Book Review: Liutprand of Cremona. Razplata. Istoriya na Odon. Pratenichestvo v Konstantinopol, translated and edited by Lilyana Simeonova

Book Review: Liutprand of Cremona. Razplata. Istoriya na Odon. Pratenichestvo v Konstantinopol, translated and edited by Lilyana Simeonova

Book Review: Dzhovani Kiaromani i negovoto patuvane ot Viena do Bursa prez 1659 g. /Giovanni Chiaromanni e il suo viaggio da Vienna a Bursa fatto l’anno1659 by Penka Danova

Book Review: Dzhovani Kiaromani i negovoto patuvane ot Viena do Bursa prez 1659 g. /Giovanni Chiaromanni e il suo viaggio da Vienna a Bursa fatto l’anno1659 by Penka Danova

Book Review: Zarazhdane na nauchniya interes kam istoriyata na Osmanskata imperiya. Istoriografski etyudi by Ivan Tyutyundzhiev

Book Review: Zarazhdane na nauchniya interes kam istoriyata na Osmanskata imperiya. Istoriografski etyudi by Ivan Tyutyundzhiev



Perspectives on Migrant Homelessness in Salman Rushdie’s Novel The Satanic Verses

Perspectives on Migrant Homelessness in Salman Rushdie’s Novel The Satanic Verses

Abolitionism and the Back-to-Africa Movement in Britain: The Sierra Leone Experiment

Abolitionism and the Back-to-Africa Movement in Britain: The Sierra Leone Experiment

Book Review: Mateev. Avtobiografiya, spomeni, deynost, edited by Aleka Strezova and Lyubomir Valentinov Panayotov

Book Review: Mateev. Avtobiografiya, spomeni, deynost, edited by Aleka Strezova and Lyubomir Valentinov Panayotov

Book Review: Greece in Early English Travel Writing, 1596–1682 by Efterpi Mitsi

Book Review: Greece in Early English Travel Writing, 1596–1682 by Efterpi Mitsi

VARIA: The Intermundium of S. T. Coleridge’s Genius in Biographia Literaria

VARIA: The Intermundium of S. T. Coleridge’s Genius in Biographia Literaria

VARIA: Dramatization of Politics in the Age of Shakespeare

VARIA: Dramatization of Politics in the Age of Shakespeare

Food and the Imaginary Other

Food and the Imaginary Other

The Postnormal Condition and the Politics of Migration in Biyi Bandele’s Half of a Yellow Sun

The Postnormal Condition and the Politics of Migration in Biyi Bandele’s Half of a Yellow Sun

Book Review: Literary Pairs in Comparative Readings Across National and Cultural Divides by Yarmila Daskalova

Book Review: Literary Pairs in Comparative Readings Across National and Cultural Divides by Yarmila Daskalova
The total number of results is 766.
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